Drifter's Loom

workout for hammock campers

The Hammock Camper’s Workout: Exercises to Prepare for Your Next Trip

Planning your next hammock camping trip? Whether you’re swinging between the trees at a nearby park or venturing into the backcountry, being in shape can make your adventure more enjoyable and safer. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare physically for your hammock camping escapades.

Ripstop material for your hammock

Why Exercise for Hammock Camping?

Imagine this: you’re deep in the woods, your hammock perfectly strung between two sturdy pines, and you feel an ache in your back that makes you regret not preparing better. Hammock camping isn’t just about relaxation; it involves hiking, setting up camp, and sometimes scrambling over rough terrain. A good fitness routine ensures you have the strength, flexibility, and endurance to handle whatever nature throws your way.

Building Your Hammock Camper’s Workout

Let’s dive into the specifics of a workout regimen designed to get you hammock-camping ready. We’ll break it down into several categories: cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance.

Cardio: Keep Your Heart Pumping

Cardio exercises are essential for building endurance. After all, you might be hiking miles to find the perfect hammock spot.

  1. Hiking: Start with shorter hikes and gradually increase your distance. Carrying a backpack similar to what you’ll have on your trip adds realism to your training.
  2. Running: If hiking isn’t accessible, running is a great alternative. Aim for 30 minutes, three times a week.
  3. Cycling: This is a low-impact way to build endurance. Plus, it’s a fun way to explore your local trails.

Strength Training: Build Muscle for Stability

Strength training is crucial for setting up your hammock and carrying your gear.

  1. Squats: These help build leg muscles necessary for hiking and balancing. Try three sets of 12 reps.
  2. Lunges: They mimic the action of stepping over uneven terrain. Do three sets of 10 reps per leg.
  3. Planks: Strengthen your core, which is vital for maintaining balance. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute.

Flexibility: Stay Nimble

Flexibility exercises help prevent injuries and keep you comfortable in your hammock.

  1. Yoga: Incorporate yoga into your routine. Poses like Downward Dog and Warrior II are excellent.
  2. Stretching: Regular stretching sessions improve your range of motion. Focus on your legs, back, and shoulders.

Balance: Stay Steady

Balance exercises ensure you can navigate tricky trails without stumbling.

  1. Single-Leg Stands: Stand on one leg for 30 seconds, then switch. This simple exercise is effective.
  2. Balance Board: If you have access to a balance board, use it to improve stability.

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Sample Weekly Workout Plan

Here’s a sample plan to get you started:

Monday30-minute run, Squats (3×12), Planks (3×1 min)
TuesdayHiking or Cycling (45 minutes), Yoga (30 minutes)
WednesdayLunges (3×10 each leg), Single-Leg Stands (3×30 sec)
Thursday30-minute run, Stretching (20 minutes)
FridayHiking or Cycling (1 hour), Balance Board (15 minutes)
SaturdayRest or Light Activity (like a walk)
SundayLong Hike (1-2 hours)

Adding Fun to Your Workout

Working out doesn’t have to be a chore. Here are some tips to make it more enjoyable:

  • Buddy Up: Exercise with a friend. It makes the time fly by and adds a social element.
  • Music and Podcasts: Listen to your favorite tunes or catch up on podcasts.
  • Nature: Whenever possible, take your workouts outside. Fresh air and beautiful scenery can be incredibly motivating.

Final Tips for Hammock Camping Preparation

  • Test Your Gear: Before you head out, practice setting up your hammock at home. This will ensure that you know how to use it and that everything is in working order.
  • Pack Smart: Make a checklist of essentials and pack your gear efficiently. Remember, lighter is better.
  • Stay Informed: Learn about the area you’ll be camping in. Know the terrain, weather conditions, and any potential wildlife encounters.

Suggested Read: Exciting Progress on the Backpacking Hammock Stand – Drifter’s Loom (driftersloom.com)


Incorporating these exercises into your routine will prepare you for your next hammock camping adventure. Not only will you enjoy the great outdoors more, but you’ll also feel confident and capable in any situation.

For more detailed workout plans and camping tips, check out REI’s Guide to Hiking.

Happy camping, and may your hammock always hang just right!

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