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Category: Hammock

camping cooking recipes and gear

Cooking While Hammock Camping: Easy and Delicious Recipes

Picture this: you’re swinging gently between two sturdy trees, a cool breeze whispering through the leaves, and the smell of delicious food wafting through the air. No, this isn’t a dream—it’s hammock camping at its finest! Cooking while hammock camping might sound like a juggling act fit for a circus performer, but with a little

dog in hammock

Capturing Your Hammock Adventures: Outdoor Photography Tips

Are you ready to take your hammock adventures to the next level? Not just in terms of relaxation but also in immortalizing those moments through stunning photographs. Whether you’re swinging between trees in a lush forest, lounging by a serene lake, or hanging out in your backyard, capturing these moments can be as refreshing as

a camping hammock with an underquilt

Do You Need an Underquilt for Hammock Camping?

Hammock camping has taken the outdoor world by storm. There’s something incredibly appealing about swinging gently between two trees, gazing up at the stars, and being cradled by nature itself. But hold up! Before you venture into the woods with your hammock, there’s one burning question you need to address: Do you need an underquilt

hammock stand or tree

Using Trees Vs. a Portable Hammock Stand

Alright, folks, let’s dive into the age-old debate of hammocking: trees versus portable hammock stands. Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast or just someone who enjoys a good nap, this topic is bound to get you swinging – literally and figuratively. We’ll break it down with humor, personal anecdotes, and even a bit of light-hearted banter.

group hang hammock camping trip

The Social Side of Hammock Camping: How to Plan a Group Hang

There’s something magical about spending time in nature, especially when you’re suspended between two trees, swaying gently in a hammock. But hammock camping doesn’t have to be a solitary endeavor. In fact, it can be an incredibly social experience. Gathering a group of friends, family, or even like-minded strangers for a group hang (pun totally

workout for hammock campers

The Hammock Camper’s Workout: Exercises to Prepare for Your Next Trip

Planning your next hammock camping trip? Whether you’re swinging between the trees at a nearby park or venturing into the backcountry, being in shape can make your adventure more enjoyable and safer. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare physically for your hammock camping escapades. Why Exercise for Hammock Camping? Imagine this: you’re deep

sleeping in a hammock

The Science of Sleep: Are Hammocks Good for Your Back

Sleeping in a hammock might sound like something you’d do on a tropical vacation, but a growing body of research suggests it could be good for your back. Let’s dive into the science behind hammock sleep and discover why it might be time to swap your bed for a hammock—at least occasionally. Why Hammocks? The

hammock camping solo

Solo Hammock Camping: Tips for a Peaceful and Safe Adventure

Solo hammock camping can be a delightful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, find tranquility, and recharge your batteries. But like any outdoor adventure, it requires some planning and preparation to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you

essential gear for hammock camping

Ultimate Gear List for Hammock Camping: Essentials + Luxuries

Ah, hammock camping! It’s the art of sleeping suspended, where the only thing between you and the cold, hard ground is a piece of fabric and some well-strung ropes. It’s like the furniture version of a tightrope walker—just a lot more relaxing and with significantly fewer clowns. So, if you’re planning to trade the traditional

lightweight hammock stand bracket

Building the Ultimate Hammock Stand for Backpacking

My journey to build the ultimate hammock stand for backpacking started on a Scout campout with my son. He had ACT in the morning while I was helping with the service project. I went to pick him up, and the other adults and boys went to take the swim test. When we returned, we still

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